Consideration, not required, 405.105 Dishonor, repudiation, breach, remedies, 405.111 Issuer:
Nominated person:
Security interest of issuer or nominated person, 405.118 Discharge of accommodation parties, 403.605 Attested, proof as though unattested, 889.23 Bank, paper unaffected by statute of limitations, 893.65 Checks, clearing at par, 224.07 Consumer credit transactions, 422.406 Discharge:
Cancellation or renunciation, 403.604 Endorsers and accommodation parties, discharge, 403.605 Dishonor:
Special, blank or anomalous, 403.205 Enforcement of instruments:
Accord and satisfaction by use of instrument, 403.311 Defenses and claims in recoupment, 403.305 Holder in due course:
Lost, destroyed, stolen:
Cashier’s, teller’s or certified, 403.312 Person entitled to enforce, 403.301 Statute of limitations, ch. 403 enforcement, 403.118 Underlying obligation, effect of taking instrument for, 403.310 Value and consideration, definitions, 403.303 Fiduciaries, transfers by, 112.01 Identification of person to whom payable, 403.110 Issuing paper not redeemable for money, 134.15 Joint and several liability, 403.116 Levy and sale on execution, 815.25 Liability of parties to instrument:
Drawee not liable on unaccepted draft, 403.408
statutesindex/2025/commercial code_8. negotiable instruments
statutesindex/2025/commercial code_8. negotiable instruments