Choice of law and forum, 405.116
Confirmer, obligation assumed by, 405.107 (2)
Consideration, not required, 405.105
Definitions, 405.102
Dishonor, repudiation, breach, remedies, 405.111
Duration, 405.106
Formal requirements, 405.104
Fraud and forgery, 405.109
Issuance, 405.106
Obligations and rights, 405.108
Security interest, 405.118
Consent, 405.106 (2)
Formal requirements, 405.104
Nominated person:
Obligations assumed by, 405.107
Security interest, 405.118
Remedies, 405.111
Sales, 402.325
Scope of chapter, 405.103
Security interest of issuer or nominated person, 405.118
Short title, 405.101
Signing, 405.104
Statute of limitations, 405.115
Subrogation rights, 405.117
Transfer, 405.112
By operation of law, 405.113
Warranties, 405.110
Generally, Ch. 403
Accommodation, 403.419
Discharge of accommodation parties, 403.605
Attested, proof as though unattested, 889.23
Bank, paper unaffected by statute of limitations, 893.65
Checks, clearing at par, 224.07
Consumer credit transactions, 422.406
Contradictory terms, 403.114
Conversion, 403.420
Dating, 403.113
Definitions, 403.103, 403.104
Cancellation or renunciation, 403.604
Endorsers and accommodation parties, discharge, 403.605
Occurrence, effect, 403.601
Payment, 403.602
Tender of payment, 403.603
Generally, 403.502
Evidence of, 403.505
Excused notice, 403.504
Notice, 403.503
Generally, 403.204
Discharge of endorsers, 403.604
Restrictive, 403.206
Special, blank or anomalous, 403.205
Enforcement of instruments:
Accord and satisfaction by use of instrument, 403.311
Breach of fiduciary duty, 403.307
Claims to instrument, 403.306
Defenses and claims in recoupment, 403.305
Holder in due course:
Proof of status, 403.308
Rights, 403.302
Lost, destroyed, stolen:
Cashier’s, teller’s or certified, 403.312
Proof, 403.309
Overdue instruments, 403.304
Person entitled to enforce, 403.301
Signatures, proof of, 403.308
Statute of limitations, ch. 403 enforcement, 403.118
Underlying obligation, effect of taking instrument for, 403.310
Value and consideration, definitions, 403.303
Fiduciaries, transfers by, 112.01
Foreign money, payable in, 403.107
Identification of person to whom payable, 403.110
Incomplete instrument, 403.115
Interest on, 403.112
Issue, 403.105
Issuing paper not redeemable for money, 134.15
Joint and several liability, 403.116
Levy and sale on execution, 815.25
Liability of parties to instrument:
Acceptance varying terms, 403.410
Acceptor’s obligation, 403.413
Defined, effect, 403.409
Drawee not liable on unaccepted draft, 403.408